All accounts include: real-time shipping rates for FedEx, UPS, U.S.P.S., publish your store on your Facebook page, export orders to QuickBooks, and more.
Bandwidth Comparison:
1 gigabyte is equivalent to selling: 294 MP3s or streaming 4.5 hours of video per month.†
5 gigabyte is equivalent to selling: 1,470 MP3s or streaming 22 hours of video per month.†
15 gigabyte is equivalent to selling: 4,411 MP3s or streaming 68 hours of video per month.†
50 gigabyte is equivalent to selling: 14,705 MP3s or streaming 229 hours of video per month.†
100 gigabyte is equivalent to selling: 29,411 MP3s or streaming 458 hours of video per month.†
† MP3 figures are based on 4 minutes per song, at 128 kbps bit rate and 11:1 audio compression ratio. Video figures calculated based on a 320x240 video with 24 frames per second, compressed to about 63.5 kilobytes of data per second.
Modular Merchant doesn't charge a setup fee for bringing your new account online.
Our account creation process is completely automated, so your new account should be ready to log in to within minutes!
Other shopping carts will charge you a transaction fee equal to 2% or more of the value of each order placed in your store, in addition to their monthly service charge.
Modular Merchant's shopping cart software's transaction fees are as low as one-half of one percent, and waived under a monthly minimum.
When a web page is viewed, it uses bandwidth. Every page, image, video and such uses bandwidth equal to its file size when it is displayed or downloaded.
The more bandwidth you have, the more digital content you can sell each month.
Sell shipped products easily with the shopping cart software's shipping features: Your customers get real-time shipping rates from FedEx, UPS or U.S.P.S. Generate tracking ID numbers for shipments with the click of a button. Download and print shipping labels from within your store's Administration Area.
There are also tools for order tracking and generating fulfillment reports.
If it fits in a box (and even if it doesn't), you can sell it with Modular Merchant.
Securely sell any type of computer files: music, video, documents, ebooks, etc. The shopping cart software's digital product delivery system can also stream Flash video and even provide secure access to "members only" web pages.
Simplify recurring billing by adding subscription rules to products. Automatically invoice customers monthly, quarterly, or on any schedule you specify.
Domain Hosting allows you to host your online store under your own domain name. For example, your store could be hosted at
Silver and higher account plans include the Domain Hosting option.
If the Domain Hosting option is not used, then the store will continue to be hosted in its default location on the domain. For example:
Allow Affiliates to send customers to your store, and then reward them with a commission on each sale they generate.
Add an unlimited number of custom fields and product attributes. Record additional information about your products, customers, orders and more.
Send email messages to an entire group of customers with just a click. Also, keep in touch with your customers after the sale with the store's autoresponder system.
Offer additional products to customers after they place an order. With just one click, the customer can purchase more products.
If selling downloads, you can easily reduce your store's bandwidth consumption by hosting your digital products remotely on your favorite CDN (Content Distribution Network).
Whether hosted in the store or remotely, the store still prevents the URL of where the file is hosted from being revealed to the customer.
Remotely and securely retrieve your store's customer, order and product data from a simple to use API.
Add your own custom PHP scripts to interact with the shopping cart software. Run scripts when orders are placed, customers log in to their accounts, and more!
The hosting options allow you to host your online store under your own domain name. For example, your store could be hosted at
Silver and higher account plans include the hosting option.
If the hosting option is not used, then the store will continue to be hosted in its default location on the domain. For example: