Content Management (CMS) |
- An unlimited number of custom web pages can be added to your store.
- Custom web pages are compatible with HTML forms for contact forms, feedback forms, etc.
- Custom web pages have SEO-friendly URLs.
- A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor is built-in for editing custom web pages.
- Create "members only" pages, restricted to certain groups of customers.
- Fully integrated content management system, built-in to the shopping cart's Administration Area.
- Pages are automatically created for all products, vendors and categories.
- Publish a privacy policy, return policy, etc.
Customer Management |
- An account is automatically created for customers the first time they place an order - separate "registration" step not required.
- Create Customer Groups based on purchase history or current product subscriptions.
- Create a "registration" form to allow customers can create accounts without making a purchase.
- Create members-only areas on your own website, which only selected customers can access.
- Customers can have multiple shipping addresses, and ship to multiple recipients in a single order.
- Customers can review products.
- Customers have access to a secure account area, where they can manage their contact, billing and payment information.
- Import and export customer records.
- Modify product prices based on the Customer Groups a shopper belongs to.
- Offer wholesale vs. retail pricing.
- Users may belong to multiple Customer Groups.
Hosting & Websites |
- Accounts hosted in a secure, PCI Compliant server environment.
- CISCO Firewall Protection.
- Dedicated IP address provided.
- Download/Upload files via FTP.
- Entire store database backed up nightly.
- FTP Access is included with all hosting plans.
- Power backup generator.
- Premium, tier-1 ecommerce hosting: 99.9% uptime.
- SSL certificate encryption utilized.
Images & Photos |
- Apply an unlimited number of images per product.
- Automatically create thumbnails when uploading images.
- Basic and advanced options for uploading graphics.
- Customize all product images, captions and "alt" text.
- Display image thumbnails on product pages.
- Open large images in a popup window.
- Resize images automatically.
- Share images between products.
- Upload images as single files or in a zip archives full of images.
- Upload images individually or in batches.
- Upload many images at once.
Inventory & Stock Levels |
- Hide or make products unpurchasable when low/out of stock.
- Inventory levels update in real-time when products are purchased.
- Products can deduct multiple units from inventory. (ie: "Six-Pack" product deducts six cans from inventory.)
- Products can have inventory levels disabled. (Infinite stock.)
- Products can share multiple inventory levels.
- Receive "Low Stock" alerts.
- Set different "low stock" warning levels for each product.
- Set stock levels for each product variation.
- Update product inventory levels in bulk.
Marketing & Promotion |
- Add one or more products to customer's cart with one click.
- Allow wholesale discounts.
- Built-in category breadcrumb navigation.
- Built-in multi-tier Affiliate Marketing system.
- Create "buy one get one free" promotions.
- Create "free shipping" coupons.
- Create "free shipping" promotions.
- Create "save $X on orders over $Y" promotions.
- Create a newsletter subscription form in your store.
- Create bulk discounts per product, category or vendor.
- Create coupons in which the customer retains any leftovers.
- Create coupons that can be used multiple times.
- Create coupons to be used by groups or individuals.
- Create coupons with expiration dates.
- Create printable gift certificates.
- Customer Wish Lists can be public or private.
- Customer's address book saves all their billing info and shipping addresses.
- Customers can create public and private Wish Lists.
- Design gift certificates in a WYSIWYG editor.
- Display best sellers, suggested products and cross-sell items.
- Display new and featured products.
- Enable free shipping on a per-product basis.
- Generate redeemable coupon codes and gift certificates.
- Import and export products in multiple spreadsheet formats.
- Manage complex promotional rules with the store's Event Engine.
- Manage newsletter mailing lists.
- Offer incentives with a Reward Points loyalty program.
- One-page checkout system - fast and responsive.
- Optionally limit one coupon per order.
- Place customer orders within the store's Administration Area.
- Publish order status and updates.
- Resend invoices to customers via email.
- Review and rank products using a list of criteria you specify for each product.
- Run concurrent sales events.
- Subscribe customers to one or more autoresponder email series.
- Track coupon usage.
- Track shipments in real time.
- Track which phrases your customers are searching for.
- Upsell/Downsell products with no-risk 1-Click Upsell system after the order is placed.
Orders & Checkout |
- Add multiple products to cart with a single link.
- Automatically email customers when their order's shipping status changes.
- Completely customizable checkout process: Single page checkout or as many pages as needed.
- Customers can track their shipments on your store website.
- Estimate shipping fees.
- Generate printable and email receipts.
- Generate tracking numbers for shipments.
- Issue refunds and store credits.
- Manage multiple shipments per order.
- Manage pre-orders, back-orders, returns, partial payments, etc.
- Open and close your store with just a click.
- Optionally require agreement to a Terms of Service during checkout.
- Place "add to cart" links to any website, email message or Twitter post.
- Set minimum and maximum dollar value for orders.
- Set minimum and maximum order quantities per product.
- Specify a starting number for orders and customers.
- Unlimited custom checkout fields in a variety of formats: text fields, check boxes, radio buttons or list menus.
Payments & Shipping |
- Accept payments by credit card, PayPal and Google Checkout.
- Add a markup to shipping rates.
- Add additional shipping fees per product.
- Automate recurring payments.
- CVV2 (Credit card security code) support.
- Capture credit card funds either at checkout or later when order shipped.
- Create additional shipping fees per geographic zone.
- Create credit accounts for customers.
- Create custom shipping rates.
- Create multiple dropshippers.
- Customers can create multiple shipping addresses.
- Customers can use multiple shipping addresses in one order.
- Display estimated shipping fees before checkout.
- Display shipping options by customer's geographic location.
- Display shipping options by order's value, product quantity or weight.
- Dropship from multiple warehouses.
- Generate UPS and FedEx labels within store's Administration Area.
- Issue refunds from within store's Administration Area. (Authorize.net only.)
- Make partial shipments.
- Print shipping labels directly from within the store's Administration Area.
- Real-time shipment tracking.
- Real-time shipping rates from FedEx, UPS and U.S.P.S.
- Record cash, check, money order and credit account payments.
- Secure https checkout.
- Sell downloads using store's built-in secure distribution system.
- Set customers and/or products to be tax exempt.
- Set rules to hide shipping options.
- Set rules to make shipping options free.
- Set your store's default currency.
- Take orders over the phone.
Support |
- 24/7 support hotline for emergencies.
- An extensive Knowledge Base contains tutorials and the answers you seek.
- Each page in the Administration Area links directly to its knowledge base documentation.
- Free software updates released on a regular basis, and they install automatically and invisibly: no file uploads required.
- Free tech support by phone, email and a built-in Support Ticket system.
- Free walk through by phone to help new accounts get up and running smoothly.
- Tech support located in-house - nothing outsourced.
Tax Rules |
- Create an unlimited number of tax rules.
- Create cumulative tax rules.
- Create dollar-based or percentage-based tax rules.
- Import/export Tax Rules for bulk editing.
- Sales tax report included.
- Set tax rules by state, country or zip code.
- Set taxes by geographic zones.
- Taxes shown in receipts, invoices, etc.
- Taxes update in store automatically as customer shops.
- Use dynamic tax rules or a flat tax option.
Product Management |
- Add an unlimited number of options (size, color, etc) to products.
- Add gift wrapping options to products, with optional additional fee.
- Add images and/or videos to product descriptions.
- Add product options in various formats: text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown & list menus.
- Apply an unlimited number of images to each product.
- Assign products to multiple categories.
- Assign products to multiple vendors.
- Batch update inventory levels and pricing.
- Create an unlimited number of product categories and subcategories.
- Create an unlimited number of product fields and attributes.
- Customize the URL, page title, and meta tags for every product page.
- Engage customers with product reviews, rankings and comments.
- Establish a future release date for downloads.
- Exclude products from store's search engine.
- Hide products from the public storefront.
- Import/export products, images, options, and much more.
- List "Featured Products" on any store page.
- List "New Products" to highlight them.
- Make products shipping exempt.
- Manage product inventory levels.
- Optionally require registration to view certain products.
- Optionally restrict downloads to customers in geographic zones.
- Optionally restrict product access to certain Customer Groups.
- Product options can adjust the product's price.
- Put products on sale.
- Securely distribute downloads to prevent "leeching".
- Sell product bundles - one product comprised of several other products.
- Sell shipped products, services and downloads.
- Set minimum and maximum purchase quantities per-product.
- Set multiple pricing levels per-product.
- Set products to require "call for pricing".
- Specify COGS and MSRP for use in sales reports.
- Specify product search keywords.
- Specify product templates globally or on a per-product basis.
- Specify product weight for real-time shipping rates.
- Specify shipping exempt products.
- Specify short and long product descriptions.
- Specify tax exempt products.
- WYSIWYG editor for product descriptions.
- WYSIWYG editor supports cut/copy/paste.
Reports |
- Abandoned Carts report
- Account Activity report
- Best Selling Products report
- Customer Acquisition report
- Customer Order Histories
- Daily Snapshot report
- Declined Orders report
- Disk Space usage
- Download Usage report
- Email Activity report
- Product Performance report
- Projected Revenue report
- Sales Statistics report
- Sales Tax report
- Search Engine report
- Searchable Order History
- System Logs report
- Traffic Statistics report
- Vendor Royalties report
Search Engine Optimization |
- Generate an HTML sitemap for use with Google and other search engines.
- Manage SEO optimization options on a per-page level.
- Manage the Google sitemap file within the store's Administration Area.
- Manage the robots.txt file within the store's Administration Area.
- New SEO optimizations and updates are added on a regular basis.
- Optimized HTML code: CSS and Javascript code kept in separate files.
- Search engine friendly URLs for categories, custom pages, products, search result and vendor pages.
- The store-generated HTML code is easily read by search engine spiders.
- Toggle SEO friendly links on or off.
Security |
- Admin actions recorded in a searchable report.
- Control the display of credit card numbers.
- Create multiple store admins.
- Create protected "members only" websites.
- Daily file scans are performed on each website on all servers.
- McAfee PCI Compliance Concierge service available.
- Proactive security measures against hackers, DDOS and brute-force attacks.
- Set security levels for each store admin.
- Strict security policies to protect information and privacy.
- Supports full HTTPS environment and SSL security protocols.
Setup & Design |
- 100% HTML and CSS templates, no PHP programming required.
- 100% web-based store administration.
- All-in-one shopping cart and website solution — storefront,
- Administration, customers, products, sales, coupons, hosting, orders, fulfillments, and oh-so much more.
- Assistance in migrating your current shopping cart is available.
- Browse storefront pages by category, vendor, price, recency, and search score.
- Choose from a library of pre-made store designs, or create your sets of templates using common HTML.
- Compatible with all popular web browsers.
- Create 301 redirects.
- Create a unique storefront design for mobile devices.
- Create unique designs for each individual product, category or vendor.
- Custom Programming is available to specialize your cart.
- Customizable navigation.
- Customize every page of your storefront.
- Customize every store email.
- Customize page titles, meta tags and other content globally or page-by-page basis
- Customize the URL for every category, custom, product and vendor page in your storefront.
- Customize the structure of SEO friendly URLs.
- Design your store to match your website.
- Display best selling products.
- Display products in rows, grids or lists.
- Display recently viewed products.
- Display special offers and promotions.
- Edit HTML, CSS and Javascript in your browser or in editors such as Dreamweaver.
- Edit store templates in your browser or in editors such as Dreamweaver.
- Enjoy full creative control with complete access to modify every the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that controls the store's design.
- Import products, customers and much more.
- Integrate your store into your website.
- Link your shopping cart to your existing website.
- List Featured Products on any store page.
- List products, categories and subcategories on storefront pages.
- No graphic design expertise is necessary.
- No programming is necessary, from start to finish.
- Preview and test store designs before going live with them.
- Professionally-made templates are available.
- Quick, easy one page checkout.
- QuickCode Tag system - add advanced functionality without touching any JavaScript or PHP code.
- Quickly apply a new design to your entire store with just a click.
- Shop and buy on all popular mobile devices: iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.
- Storefront includes powerful search engine.
- Templates are compatible with any web page editing software.
- The phrases customers search for in your storefront are logged.
- Upload a favicon to customize bookmarks.
- Upload your logo quickly and easily.
- User-friendly web-based Administration Area control panel included.
- WYSIWYG editor for adding an unlimited number of custom content pages.
- Web design services are available. Hire Modular Merchant to design your store to match your website.
- Web-based WYSIWYG template editor for templates, emails and product descriptions.
Third-Party Integration |
Integrated Services
- Add your storefront to your Facebook page.
- Cancel FedEx and UPS shipments from within your store's Administration Area with just a click.
- Compatible with third-party Affiliate programs.
- Deliver ebooks wirelessly to Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook, and other mobile devices.
- Export orders to QuickBooks.
- Export orders to Stone Edge.
- Facebook widgets: add "Like" buttons, "Share" buttons and comments to your store's pages.
- Generate printable shipping labels from FedEx and UPS.
- Google Analytics integration is built-in and ready to use.
- Place "Add to Cart" links on websites, email, Facebook and Twitter.
- Real-time shipping rates from FedEx, UPS and U.S.P.S.
- Receive shipment tracking ID numbers from FedEx and UPS.
- Track Twitter feeds for multiple search phrases within the store's Administration Area.
Supported Payment Gateways
- Authorize.net
- BluePay
- CenPOS
- First Data
- Google Checkout
- Link Point (now First Data)
- Manual / Offline processing
- Network Merchants
- Optimal Payments
- PayFlow Pro
- PayPal Website Payments Pro
- PayPal Website Payments Standard
- Pivotal Payments
- SecurePay
- USA ePay (BETA relase)
- Virtual Merchant
- More gateways added on a regular basis.