Shipping options used during shopping & checkout |
Real-time shipping rates are a must, but they're just one of the shopping cart's many outstanding shipping features. Let's take a look at all of the shipping options that your online store can utilize during the shopping process. |
Real-time shipping rates
Enable real-time shipping rates for over sixty FedEx, UPS and U.S.P.S. shipping methods. Select the shipping methods that you want to use, and their prices will be displayed when customers place an order. If the customer changes the contents of their order, the shipping fees will automatically be recalculated as they shop. |
Place orders with multiple recipients
Customers can split their orders among multiple shipping addresses when they check out! This allows customers to place a single order that sends products to multiple recipients — no need to place a separate order for each individual recipient. |
Create custom shipping rates
If the library of built-in FedEx, UPS and U.S.P.S. shipping rates don't provide an option you need, then you can create your own custom shipping options. The custom shipping options that you create can be calculated on various criteria, such as weight, dollar value, quantity of products, etc. |
Show/hide shipping options
Need certain shipping methods to only be available to the continental United States? Need to show an alternative shipping method to Canadian customers? Need to restrict customers in your city to a certain shipping method? No problem! Control the display of each shipping method, based on the customer's country, state or zip/postal code. |
Create shipping discount rules
Create sales, coupons and promotions that give your customers discounted (or even free) shipping. Apply these discounts to any number of shipping methods. Offer shipping specials for orders over a certain value, or extend special offers to return customers.
Customers are sure to notice that extra effort. They like that. |
Create discreet shipping markups
Easily add a shipping and handling markup to any shipping methods. Markups can be applied to a shipping method's price, instead of being listed as a separate line item — preventing confusion. Markups can be based on a dollar value or percentage. |
Gift wrapping options
Products can be made eligible to be gift wrapped. If a product is eligible, then a gift wrap option will be displayed when the product is purchased. An additional gift wrapping fee can be applied to products as well. |
Product-level shipping options |
Shipping options for fulfillment |
Take pre-orders with multiple shipments per transaction
Each order can contain multiple shipments. This allows you to take pre-orders for products. If an order contains both in-stock and pre-order products, then the pre-order product can be moved to its own shipment — complete with its own shipping label and tracking ID number. Ship the available products now and then ship the pre-order product after it becomes available. |

"Have you shipped a million of those things?
Ship 'em all! We're gonna take 'em out
a whole new door!" — J. Napier |
Print shipping labels
Download and print shipping labels directly from shipping agents such as FedEx and UPS with just the click of a button. Custom shipping labels can also be designed and printed. |
Tracking ID numbers
Obtain tracking ID numbers directly from shipping agents such as FedEx and UPS. Tracking ID numbers can automatically be emailed to your customers and displayed in their account area. Tracking ID numbers can also be cancelled with just a click — all within your store's Admin Area. |
Are your products are shipped from a warehouse or other remote location? The shopping cart can calculate the shipping rates based on the location each product will actually ship from — even if each product ships from a different location around the globe. Each dropshipper receives reports such as pick lists and fulfillment reports, keeping them up-to-date on what they need to ship and to whom. |
Create product bundles with shared inventory
Multiple products can be linked to the same items in your physical inventory. Create product bundles easily with shared inventory. It's an excellent way to create products with overlapping components (such as gift baskets) while retaining an accurate record of how many of each individual component remains in inventory at any given time. |